While some behaviour issues can be sorted with tips and advice online, aggression is certainly not something you should take the risk with. It is not something you should do ' trial and error ' with as the risk of other dogs and people being hurt is too great.
Despite this, we see people on social media asking for advice every day! If a trained and experienced professional behaviourist would not give you advice without meeting you and your dog, what makes you think Karen down the road has a right to do so?
As much as most people do not want to hire a professional behaviourist because we are usually expensive, it really is your best option given the problem.
All of our clients whom we have helped in regard to aggression have had other things to work on to fix this issue. Aggression is not a straightforward problem, and is absolutely not a straightforward fix.
Helping a dog out of aggressive behaviour takes time and needs to be handled very carefully. Do not make the mistake of taking advice from a stranger online when dealing with this issue.
Behaviourists have studied and trained for years to successfully help dogs suffering from aggression. Danny round the corner will give you free advice, but it is likely not the advice you need, and is likely to cause your dog’s aggression to become worse!
Seek Professional Help for Aggression!
