Canine Behaviour and Training Specialists
Distinctive K9
Rehabilitating Dogs and Educating Owners
We specialise in training and rehabilitating dogs with all levels of behaviour issues! All of our sessions take place in person and are 1-2-1. Every dog is an individual, and so are you, which is why we personalise every program to your unique needs!

What Can We Help With?

We specialise in training and rehabilitating dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds out of complex behavioural issues. Below is a list of the most common issues we help people with.
Reactivity to people, dogs, or environmental stimuli such as cars or cyclists. This includes when on a walk as well as in the garden or home.
Leash Pulling
Excessive Barking
Aggressiveness (including food aggression)
Unwanted Lunging/Jumping on People
Separation Anxiety
Fears and Phobias (e.g. hoovers, the sight of grooming or claw clipping tools)
Extreme Lack of Recall
Dogs who have become Territorial
Reactivity When Being Groomed
Chewing the Leash
Reactivity getting into or being in a car
What our clients say...
Not All Canine Behaviourists and Trainers are Created the Same
Our qualified behaviourist has helped many people who have been let down or failed by other trainers and behaviourists. ‘Nothing can be done’ is never an answer here at Distinctive K9. Whether we implement training or help you make lifestyle changes, there is always something we can do to help!
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